
AII GPR-2600 Oxygen Analyzer


  • Measuring range:0-1%, 0-5%, 0-10%, 0-25%
  • High accuracy (±0.02ppm in lowest range)
  • Manual or auto-ranging
  • 24 month sensor life with normal usage
  • Sample in CO2 backgrounds with XLT sensor
  • Bench, rack or wall mounting options
  • Two Alarms
  • Integrated bypass valve (for GPR-1600)
  • Easy access and sensor replacement
  • Easy to use HMI

$2,652.00 $3,000.00

  • The AII GPR-2600 Oxygen Analyzer is designed for monitoring gas in industrial processes where trace oxygen from low parts per million to pure O2 has to be precisely measured. Utilizing AII’s high performance galvanic oxygen sensors these advanced instruments are simple to use with a common, across-the-range chassis, HMI and menu structure, so an operator only needs to learn operation of just one instrument for multiple gas analysis applications at various oxygen levels. Available as bench, 19in rack, panel and wall mounted for flexible installation.
  • The GPR-2600 monitors oxygen in applications which involve purging from ambient air to low percentage levels of oxygen with a variety of gases.
Measurement range 0-1%, 0-5%, 0-10%, 0-25%
Accuracy < ±2% of selected range
Response time T90 < 10 seconds
Recovery time Not applicable
Sensitivity (LDL) 50 ppm
Linearity < 0.5% of scale
Sensor model GPR-11-32-4
XLT-11-24-4 for gas mixture with > 0.5% CO2
Sensor life at 25°C and 1 atm GPR-11-32-4  32 months;
XLT-11-24-4  24 months
Calibration interval Typically:  1-3 months
Inlet pressure 0.34 – 2 barg (5-30 psig) with atmospheric vent
Flow rate (constant) 0.5 – 1.0 Nl/min (1-2 SCFH)
Gas connections 1/4″ compression tube fittings
Display Graphical LCD 12.7 x 7cm (5 x 2.75”); resolution 0.01
Enclosure Painted aluminum
See individual mounting options for dimensions
Compensation Barometric pressure and temperature;
Analog output 4-20 mA isolated, 0-1V, and 0-5V
Range ID 1-5 V or 4-20mA, optional relay contacts
Communications Choose from RS485, RS232 or USB
Alarms Two user-adjustable alarm relays
Operating temperature GPR sensor: 5°C to 45ºC (41°F to 113°F)
XLT sensor: -10°C to 45°C (14°F to 113°F)
Power Universal 100-240 V AC